Fancey Blackett Tea for Two E-pattern
- Product Code: CS-E-FB-TEA
- Availability: 12
The adventures of Fancey Blackett continue in this sweet design, wherein the good Miss Blackett and her chum, Mrs. Otis, take their tea in an autumn garden. Stitched on 32 count Lakeside Linens Vintage Light Examplar with DMC threads. Finished into a sampler pillow. Stitches include cross and straight stitch.
Stitch count: 103w x 95h
Stitched size: 6.5"w x 6"h
Finished pillow size: 7.5"w x 7"h
Pattern includes color photo, professional cross stitch chart with DMC floss colors, optional aging instructions, and directions for making the sampler pillow.
After purchase, you will find your e-patterns under My Account > Downloads.
Tags: cross stitch, pinkeep, pincushion, Fancey Blackett